Docile Being / Video projection / Loop 3’25’’ / 2012
It is a part of the project «Fortifications» / 2010-2012
- Docile Being / Video projection / Loop 3’25’’ / 2012
- Docile Being / Video projection / Loop 3’25’’ / 2012
- Defensive Construction / Structure of limestone / 2012
- Docile Being / Video projection / 2012
- Docile Being / Video still / 2012
The current work is a poetic reference to the interminable process of fortification and defense in which the human being lives and to his mutation into a mobile hybrid – fort. It is a body, an amorphous mass, which through conditions of coercion becomes a soldier – observer like Foucault’s model of the docile body.
A dystopian confined being with references to Kafka’s Metamorphosis, expressing the suspension of Modernity’s declared rights, fear’s authoritative character and restricted habitation of an insecure and at the same time formidable being. A hunter and concurrently a being in a compromising position, governed by imposed limits. Lack of compliance will lower him into the state of prey. The Other is the authority of this induced subjugation. Everyone functions like the Other’s supervisor and finally he is established as a supervisor of himself.
Floating Walls, Αction Field Kodra, cur. Vasilis Zografos, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013
Master of Fine Arts Degree Show (MFA), Exhibition Area «Nikos Kessanlis», Athens, Greece 2012
Conceived – Perfomed by: Panos Kompis
Camera operator: Panagiotis Vorrias
Video editing: Makis Faros
Special thanks to: Danae Stratou