Pilodomos / Structure of raw clay / 250×370 cm / 2011
It is a part of the project «Fortifications» / 2010-2012
- Pilodomos / Structure of raw clay / 250x370 cm / 2011
- Pilodomos / Structure of raw clay / 250x370 cm / 2011
- Pilodomos / Structure of raw clay / 250x370 cm / 2011
- Pilodomos / Detail / 2011
- Pilodomos / Detail / 2011
- Pilodomos / Detail / 2011
- Pilodomos / Detail / 2011
In ancient times the term Pilodomos was used to describe the wall made of compressed raw clay. The clay, connected on a scientific and religious level to the origin of life, has already been used in prehistoric times as a building material for the construction of protective lodging. Through the practice of a serial assembly of raw clay pieces, I tried to express through the language of pictorial construction a union of references of these protective structures, other man-made and other by nature. It is an allegorical image, a composition of elements, a pilodomos, in order to express beings’ vulnerability and insecurity.
It is an enigmatic wall-cover, a potentially protective agent, by definition fragile, as a statement of constant agony. It is a record of a ritual process of body and spirit, a dedication to continuous reflection and to perpetual vigilance.
Floating Walls, Αction Field Kodra, cur. Vasilis Zografos, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013
Master of Fine Arts Degree Show (MFA), Exhibition Area «Nikos Kessanlis», Athens, Greece 2012